| A. Optional Units | |
1 | Adapt and fit healthcare equipment, medical devices, assistive technology, or products to meet individuals needs | 6 |
2 | Administer medication to individuals and monitor the effects | 5 |
3 | Administer oral nutritional products to individuals | 4 |
4 | Advise and inform individuals on managing their condition | 5 |
5 | Anatomy and physiology for maternity support workers | 2 |
6 | Assist in and monitor the administration of oxygen | 4 |
7 | Assist in implementing treatment programmes for individuals with severely reduced movement mobility | 4 |
8 | Assist in receiving, handling, and dispatching clinical specimens | 2 |
9 | Assist in testing individuals’ abilities prior to planning physical activities | 5 |
10 | Assist in the administration and management of medication | 3 |
11 | Assist in the delivery of perioperative care and support of individuals | 4 |
12 | Assist in the implementation of programmes to increase mobility, movement, and functional independence | 4 |
13 | Assist others to plan presentations | 2 |
14 | Assist practitioners in carrying out health care activities | 3 |
15 | Awareness of mental health legislation | 3 |
16 | Build positive relationships with children and young people | 3 |
17 | Care for a newborn baby | 4 |
18 | Care for individuals with urethral catheters | 4 |
19 | Care for the older person | 2 |
20 | Caring for the physical and nutritional needs of babies and young children | 5 |
21 | Carry out blood collection from fixed or central lines | 4 |
22 | Carry out vision screening | 4 |
23 | Carry out wound drainage care | 4 |
24 | Collaborate in the assessment of environmental and social support in the community | 4 |
25 | Conduct intravenous cannulation | 6 |
26 | Conduct routine maintenance on clinical equipment | 4 |
27 | Conducting hearing assessments | 4 |
28 | Contribute to the care of a deceased person | 3 |
29 | Contribute to the safe use of medical devices in the perioperative environment | 4 |
30 | Coordinate individuals through care pathways | 3 |
31 | Deliver exercise sessions to improve individuals’ health and wellbeing | 5 |
32 | Deliver training through demonstration and instruction | 3 |
33 | Dementia Awareness | 2 |
34 | Develop and agree individualised care plans for babies and families | 5 |
35 | Effective communication with children and young people in care settings | 4 |
36 | Enable children and young people to understand their health and well-being | 5 |
37 | Enable individuals with behaviours that challenge to develop strategies to manage their behaviour | 8 |
38 | Give presentations to groups | 4 |
39 | Identify, collate and communicate health information to individuals | 2 |
40 | Implement hydrotherapy programmes for individuals and groups | 5 |
41 | Implement therapeutic group activities | 4 |
42 | Implement therapeutic group activities | 4 |
43 | Manage the use of physical resources in a health setting | 3 |
44 | Managing symptoms in end-of-life care | 4 |
45 | Measure and record individuals’ body fluid balance in a perioperative environment | 4 |
46 | Monitor and maintain the environment and resources during and after health care activities | 3 |
47 | Monitor individuals progress in relation to managing their body weight and nutrition | 3 |
48 | Move and position individuals ‘safely’ in accordance with their care plan | 4 |
49 | Notify an individual of discharge arrangements | 2 |
50 | Obtain a client history | 3 |
51 | Obtain and test capillary blood samples | 4 |
52 | Obtain venous blood samples | 3 |
53 | Perform first-line calibration on clinical equipment ensuring it is fit for use | 3 |
54 | Perform routine electrocardiograph (ECG) procedures | 4 |
55 | Prepare and apply dressings and drains to individuals in the perioperative environment | 2 |
56 | Prepare and dress for scrubbed clinical roles | 4 |
57 | Prepare and provide surgical instrumentation and supplementary items for the surgical team | 6 |
58 | Prepare and support individuals for healthcare activities | 3 |
59 | Prepare for, obtain and test specimens from individuals | 3 |
60 | Prepare the anaesthetic environment and provide support for pre and post operative anaesthesia and recovery | 5 |
61 | Prepare, insert and secure nasogastric tubes | 4 |
62 | Principles of health promotion | 2 |
63 | Provide advice and information to enable parents to promote the health and well-being of their newborn babies | 3 |
64 | Provide advice on foot care for individuals with diabetes | 4 |
65 | Provide agreed support for foot care | 3 |
66 | Provide information and advice to individuals on eating to maintain optimum nutritional status | 5 |
67 | Provide support for individuals with interaction and communication difficulties | 4 |
68 | Provide support for mobility | 2 |
69 | Provide support to individuals to continue recommended therapies | 3 |
70 | Receive and handle clinical specimens within the sterile field | 4 |
71 | Recognise indications of substance misuse and refer individuals to specialists | 4 |
72 | Remove wound closure materials | 3 |
73 | Remove wound drains | 4 |
74 | Reprocess endoscopy equipment | 4 |
75 | Safeguarding the wellbeing of children and young people | 7 |
76 | Select and wear appropriate personal protective equipment for work in healthcare settings | 2 |
77 | Support carers in meeting the care needs of individuals | 5 |
78 | Support children and young people with mental health conditions | 5 |
79 | Support independence in the tasks of daily living | 5 |
80 | Support individuals at the end of life | 6 |
81 | Support individuals during a period of change | 4 |
82 | Support individuals during emergency situations | 3 |
83 | Support individuals during the last days of life | 5 |
84 | Support individuals in managing continence | 3 |
85 | Support individuals in managing dysphagia | 5 |
86 | Support individuals in undertaking their chosen activities | 4 |
87 | Support individuals to access and use information about services and facilities | 3 |
88 | Support individuals to access and use services and facilities | 4 |
89 | Support individuals to carry out their own health care procedures | 2 |
90 | Support individuals to eat and drink | 2 |
91 | Support individuals to live at home | 4 |
92 | Support individuals to manage their own recovery from mental health conditions | 3 |
93 | Support individuals to meet personal care needs | 2 |
94 | Support individuals to retain, regain and develop skills for everyday life. | 4 |
95 | Support individuals undertaking healthcare activities | 3 |
96 | Support individuals who are bereaved | 4 |
97 | Support individuals who are distressed | 3 |
98 | Support individuals with cognition or learning difficulties | 5 |
99 | Support individuals with feeding babies | 4 |
100 | Support individuals with mental health conditions to change patterns of behaviour using coping strategies | 4 |
101 | Support individuals with specific communication needs | 5 |
102 | Support mental health service users and carers to manage change | 3 |
103 | Support parents or carers to interact with and care for their newborn baby | 4 |
104 | Support parents, carers and those in a parental role to care for babies during their first year | 5 |
105 | Support positive risk taking for individuals | 4 |
106 | Support the spiritual wellbeing of individuals | 3 |
107 | Support the surgical team when preparing individuals for operative and invasive procedures | 4 |
108 | Supporting children and young people experiencing transitions | 3 |
109 | Supporting children and young people with additional needs | 6 |
110 | Supporting individuals with speech and language disorders to develop their communication skills | 5 |
111 | Supporting positive behaviour | 6 |
112 | Supporting the care of individuals with nasogastric tubes | 3 |
113 | Transport, transfer and position individuals and equipment within the perioperative environment | 5 |
114 | Understand advance care planning | 3 |
115 | Understand care and support planning and risk management in mental health | 4 |
116 | Understand end-of-life care for individuals with specific health needs | 4 |
117 | Understand human structure and functionality | 3 |
118 | Understand long-term conditions and frailty | 3 |
119 | Understand mental health interventions | 4 |
120 | Understand mental health, wellbeing and behaviour management of children and young people | 3 |
121 | Understand planning and the practical application of health promotion | 2 |
122 | Understand suicide interventions | 6 |
123 | Understand the administration and management of medication | 3 |
124 | Understand the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilities | 4 |
125 | Understand the current legal, policy and service framework in mental health | 5 |
126 | Understand the impact and experience of dementia | 4 |
127 | Understand the importance of personal wellbeing & personal wellbeing when working in mental health services | 4 |
128 | Understand, prepare for and, carry out extended feeding techniques | 4 |
129 | Understanding effective communication and building relationships in mental health work | 6 |
130 | Understanding the development of children and young people | 4 |
131 | Understanding the effects of dementia on end-of-life care | 3 |
132 | Undertake agreed pressure area care | 4 |
133 | Undertake examinations of the feet of individuals with diabetes | 4 |
134 | Undertake external ear examinations | 4 |
135 | Undertake personal hygiene activities with individuals | 3 |
136 | Undertake stoma care | 4 |
137 | Undertake the non-scrubbed role for perioperative procedures | 4 |
138 | Undertake tissue viability risk assessments | 3 |
139 | Undertake treatments and dressings of wounds and lesions | 4 |
140 | Undertake urethral catheterisation | 4 |
141 | Work in partnership with families to support individuals | 3 |
142 | Working with babies and young children to support their development and learning | 5 |
| B. Adult Nursing Support – Clinical Care | |
143 | Care for individuals with urethral catheters | 4 |
144 | Carry out blood collection from fixed or central lines | 4 |
145 | Conduct intravenous cannulation | 6 |
146 | Obtain and test capillary blood samples | 4 |
147 | Obtain venous blood samples | 3 |
148 | Remove wound closure materials | 3 |
149 | Undertake personal hygiene activities with individuals | 3 |
150 | Undertake stoma care | 4 |
151 | Undertake tissue viability risk assessments | 3 |
152 | Undertake treatments and dressings of wounds and lesions | 4 |
| C. Adult Nursing Support/Health Navigation | |
153 | Obtain a client history | 3 |
154 | Support individuals to access and use services and facilities | 4 |
| D. Adult Nursing Support/Elderly Care | |
155 | Care for the older person | 2 |
156 | Support individuals at the end of life | 6 |
157 | Support individuals during a period of change | 4 |
| E. Adult Nursing Support/Learning Disability Support | |
158 | Support independence in the tasks of daily living | 5 |
159 | Understand the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilities | 4 |
| F. Adult Nursing Support/Community Support | |
160 | Advise and inform individuals on managing their condition | 5 |
161 | Implement therapeutic group activities | 4 |
162 | Work in partnership with families to support individuals | 3 |
| G. Maternity Support | |
163 | Care for a newborn baby | 4 |
164 | Caring for the physical and nutritional needs of babies and young children | 5 |
165 | Develop and agree individualised care plans for babies and families | 5 |
166 | Manage the use of physical resources in a health setting | 3 |
167 | Provide advice and information to enable parents to promote the health and well-being of their newborn babies | 3 |
168 | Support individuals with feeding babies | 4 |
169 | Support parents or carers to interact with and care for their newborn baby | 4 |
170 | Support parents, carers and those in a parental role to care for babies during their first year | 5 |
171 | Supporting children and young people with additional needs | 6 |
| H. Theatre Support | |
172 | Assist in the delivery of perioperative care and support to individuals | 4 |
173 | Contribute to the safe use of medical devices in the perioperative environment | 4 |
174 | Measure and record individuals’ body fluid balance in a perioperative environment | 4 |
175 | Prepare the anaesthetic environment and provide support for pre and post operative anaesthesia and recovery | 5 |
176 | Support the surgical team when preparing individuals for operative and invasive procedures | 4 |
177 | Transport, transfer and position individuals and equipment within the perioperative environment | 5 |
178 | Undertake the non-scrubbed role for perioperative procedures | 4 |
| I. Mental Heath Support | |
179 | Awareness of mental health legislation | 3 |
180 | Enable individuals with behaviours that challenge to develop strategies to manage their behaviour | 8 |
181 | Recognise indications of substance misuse and refer individuals to specialists | 4 |
182 | Support children and young people with mental health conditions | 5 |
183 | Support individuals to manage their own recovery from mental health conditions | 3 |
184 | Support individuals with mental health conditions to change patterns of behaviour using coping strategies | 4 |
185 | Support mental health service users and carers to manage change | 3 |
186 | Support positive risk taking for individuals | 4 |
187 | Understand care and support planning and risk management in mental health | 4 |
188 | Understand mental health interventions | 4 |
189 | Understand mental health, wellbeing and behaviour management of children and young people | 3 |
190 | Understand suicide interventions | 6 |
191 | Understand the current legal, policy and service framework in mental health | 5 |
192 | Understand the importance of personal wellbeing & personal wellbeing when working in mental health services | 4 |
193 | Understanding effective communication and building relationships in mental health work | 6 |
| J. Children and Young Peoples Support | |
194 | Build positive relationships with children and young people | 3 |
195 | Caring for the physical and nutritional needs of babies and young children | 5 |
196 | Effective communication with children and young people in care settings | 4 |
197 | Enable children and young people to understand their health and well-being | 5 |
198 | Support children and young people with mental health conditions | 5 |
199 | Supporting children and young people experiencing transitions | 3 |
200 | Supporting children and young people with additional needs | 6 |
201 | Understand How to Safeguard the Wellbeing of Children and Young People. | 3 |
202 | Understand mental health, wellbeing and behaviour management of children and young people | 3 |
203 | Understanding the development of children and young people | 4 |
204 | Working with babies and young children to support their development and learning | 5 |
| K. Allied Health Professional Therapy Support | |
205 | Assist in implementing treatment programmes for individuals with severely reduced movement mobility | 4 |
206 | Assist in the implementation of programmes to increase mobility, movement, and functional independence | 4 |
207 | Assist others to plan presentations | 2 |
208 | Deliver exercise sessions to improve individuals’ health and wellbeing | 5 |
209 | Deliver training through demonstration and instruction | 3 |
210 | Give presentations to groups | 4 |
211 | Emplement hydrotherapy programmes for individuals and groups | 5 |
212 | Monitor individuals progress in relation to managing their body weight and nutrition | 3 |
213 | Principles of health promotion | 2 |
214 | Provide agreed support for foot care | 3 |
215 | Provide information and advice to individuals on eating to maintain optimum nutritional status | 5 |
216 | Provide support for individuals with interaction and communication difficulties | 4 |
217 | Provide support for mobility | 2 |
218 | Support individuals in undertaking their chosen activities | 4 |
219 | Supporting individuals with speech and language disorders to develop their communication skills | 5 |
220 | Undertake examinations of the feet of individuals with diabetes | 4 |
221 | Contribute to the discharge of individuals to carers | 2 |
222 | Contribute to the effectiveness of teams | 2 |