ISO 39001

Attention all companies looking to improve their road traffic safety management systems! Have you heard of ISO 39001:2012 Certification? It’s the international standard for Road Traffic Safety Management Systems, and it can help your business to reduce accidents, improve road safety, and achieve greater success.

With an ISO 39001:2012 Certification, your company will demonstrate its commitment to road traffic safety, enhance its reputation, and gain a competitive advantage in the market. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to work with experts in the field of road traffic safety management to identify potential risks, implement effective controls, and continuously improve your systems.

Don’t let road accidents and unsafe practices damage your business – get certified with ISO 39001:2012 today! Contact us to learn more about how our expert consultants can help you achieve certification quickly and easily.

ICTQual is Exclusive partner of ACS-GP and providing services for company registration with ISO in following ISO Standards

ISO 39001:2012 Certification

As businesses become more global and complex, it’s essential to have a strong focus on safety management. This is where the ISO 39001:2012 certification comes in. ISO 39001:2012 is an international standard that sets requirements for a road traffic safety management system (RTSMS).

The ISO 39001:2012 certification is specifically designed for companies involved in road traffic activities. This includes transportation, logistics, and any other company that operates vehicles on public roads. The certification provides a framework for managing road traffic safety risks and reducing the number of accidents on the road.

Obtaining ISO 39001:2012 certification demonstrates a company’s commitment to ensuring road safety and protecting the well-being of their employees, customers, and the general public. This certification also helps companies improve their overall operations by identifying and addressing safety risks and reducing the number of accidents.

To obtain ISO 39001:2012 certification, companies must undergo a thorough evaluation of their road traffic safety management system by an accredited certification body. The certification body will assess the company’s safety policies, procedures, and practices to ensure that they meet the requirements of the ISO 39001:2012 standard.

Once a company has obtained the ISO 39001:2012 certification, it must regularly undergo surveillance audits to ensure ongoing compliance with the standard. This helps companies maintain their commitment to safety and continuous improvement.

In conclusion, ISO 39001:2012 certification is a valuable tool for companies involved in road traffic activities. It provides a framework for managing safety risks and demonstrates a company’s commitment to ensuring road safety. Obtaining this certification can help companies improve their operations, reduce accidents, and protect the well-being of their employees and the public.

Benefits of ISO 39001:2012 Certification

As businesses grow and expand, they face increasing challenges to ensure safety and compliance in their operations. This is where obtaining the ISO 39001:2012 certification for company registration can be highly beneficial.

ISO 39001:2012 is an internationally recognized standard that sets guidelines for road traffic safety management systems. It is designed to help organizations of all sizes, across various industries, to improve their road safety performance and reduce the risks associated with road traffic accidents.

Here are some of the key benefits that businesses can enjoy by obtaining the ISO 39001:2012 certification for company registration:

Improved Safety Performance

The ISO 39001:2012 certification helps companies to establish and maintain a road safety management system that is focused on preventing accidents, reducing risks, and promoting a safety culture within the organization. By implementing the standard’s requirements, businesses can significantly improve their safety performance and reduce the number of road traffic accidents.

Legal Compliance

Compliance with ISO 39001:2012 requirements also ensures that companies meet legal and regulatory obligations related to road safety. By obtaining the certification, businesses demonstrate their commitment to complying with relevant regulations, which can help them avoid legal penalties and mitigate legal risks.

Competitive Advantage

Having the ISO 39001:2012 certification for company registration can provide a competitive advantage to businesses, especially in industries where road safety is a critical factor. Customers and stakeholders are increasingly conscious of the importance of road safety, and the certification demonstrates a company’s commitment to ensuring safe and responsible operations.

Cost Savings

Implementing the ISO 39001:2012 standard can help businesses reduce the costs associated with road traffic accidents, including damage to property, medical expenses, and insurance premiums. By improving road safety performance, businesses can also avoid productivity losses and disruptions that may result from accidents.

Enhanced Reputation

Companies that obtain the ISO 39001:2012 certification for company registration can enhance their reputation as responsible and safety-conscious organizations. This can lead to increased trust and loyalty among customers, investors, and other stakeholders, ultimately benefiting the company’s long-term success.

In conclusion, obtaining the ISO 39001:2012 certification for company registration can bring numerous benefits to businesses. By establishing a road safety management system, complying with legal requirements, and demonstrating a commitment to safety, companies can improve their safety performance, gain a competitive advantage, reduce costs, and enhance their reputation.

Preparation for ISO 39001:2012 Certification

Preparing for ISO 39001:2012 certification can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and mindset, it can also be a rewarding experience. The ISO 39001:2012 standard is designed to help companies establish, implement, maintain and improve road traffic safety management systems, and obtaining this certification can be a significant step towards demonstrating your commitment to safety and reducing the risk of accidents.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for ISO 39001:2012 certification for company registration:

Understand the Standard

The first step in preparing for ISO 39001:2012 certification is to understand the standard and its requirements. Read through the standard and identify the key areas that apply to your company. This will help you identify the scope of your certification and any areas that may require additional attention.

Conduct a Gap Analysis

Once you have a good understanding of the standard, conduct a gap analysis to identify the areas where your company currently falls short of the requirements. This will help you prioritize your efforts and develop an action plan to address any gaps.

Develop a Roadmap

Based on the results of your gap analysis, develop a roadmap for achieving ISO 39001:2012 certification. This should include specific goals, timelines, and responsible parties for each action item.

Involve Your Team

ISO 39001:2012 certification is a team effort, so involve all relevant stakeholders in the process. This includes management, employees, and any external partners or contractors that may be involved in your road traffic safety management system.

Implement the System

Implement the necessary changes to your road traffic safety management system based on your roadmap. This may include updating policies and procedures, providing training to employees, and establishing performance metrics to monitor progress.

Conduct Internal Audits

Regular internal audits will help you identify any areas that require further attention and ensure that your road traffic safety management system is functioning effectively.

Choose a Certification Body

Once you are confident that your road traffic safety management system meets the requirements of ISO 39001:2012, choose a certification body to conduct the external audit. Make sure to select a reputable and accredited certification body.

In conclusion, preparing for ISO 39001:2012 certification requires a systematic approach and the involvement of all relevant stakeholders. By understanding the standard, conducting a gap analysis, developing a roadmap, involving your team, implementing the system, conducting internal audits, and selecting a reputable certification body, you can achieve ISO 39001:2012 certification for company registration and demonstrate your commitment to road traffic safety.

ISO 39001:2012 Certification Process for Company Registration

If you’re looking to improve your company’s road traffic safety management system, obtaining an ISO 39001:2012 certification could be an excellent option. This international standard outlines requirements for organizations seeking to implement a road traffic safety management system (RTSMS), and it’s designed to help organizations reduce the risk of road accidents, injuries, and fatalities.

But what exactly is the ISO 39001:2012 certification process for company registration, and how can your organization prepare for it? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the steps involved in obtaining an ISO 39001:2012 certification for your company’s road traffic safety management system.

Perform a Gap Analysis

Before your organization can begin preparing for an ISO 39001:2012 certification, it’s essential to perform a gap analysis. This analysis will identify the areas where your current road traffic safety management system falls short of ISO 39001:2012 requirements. By understanding the gaps, you can begin to develop a plan to address them.

Develop a Road Traffic Safety Management System

Once you’ve identified the gaps in your current system, it’s time to start developing your road traffic safety management system. This system should be designed to meet the requirements of the ISO 39001:2012 standard. The system should include policies, procedures, and processes that address the identified gaps and promote road traffic safety.

Implement Your Road Traffic Safety Management System

After developing your system, it’s time to implement it across your organization. This process will involve training your employees on the new policies and procedures, as well as establishing communication channels to ensure that everyone understands the new system.

Conduct an Internal Audit

Once your road traffic safety management system has been implemented, it’s time to conduct an internal audit. This audit will evaluate your system’s effectiveness and identify any areas that may need improvement.

Choose a Certification Body

To obtain an ISO 39001:2012 certification, you’ll need to work with an accredited certification body. This organization will evaluate your road traffic safety management system to ensure that it meets the requirements of the ISO 39001:2012 standard.

Schedule a Certification Audit

After choosing a certification body, it’s time to schedule a certification audit. During this audit, the certification body will evaluate your system’s compliance with the ISO 39001:2012 standard. If your system meets the standard’s requirements, your organization will be awarded an ISO 39001:2012 certification.

Obtaining an ISO 39001:2012 certification for your company’s road traffic safety management system can help your organization reduce the risk of road accidents and promote a safer environment for your employees and customers. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can prepare for the certification process and ensure that your system meets the ISO 39001:2012 standard’s requirements.

Maintaining ISO 39001:2012 Certification

Obtaining an ISO 39001:2012 certification for company registration is a great achievement. It demonstrates that your company is committed to road safety management and is constantly striving for excellence. However, obtaining the certification is only the beginning of the journey. Maintaining the certification requires ongoing effort and dedication.

Regular Internal Audits

One of the key requirements of ISO 39001:2012 is the implementation of an internal audit process. This process helps companies identify areas where they are not in compliance with the standard and take corrective action. To maintain certification, it is essential to conduct regular internal audits and address any non-conformities promptly.

Continuous Improvement

The ISO 39001:2012 standard emphasizes continuous improvement. Companies must have a system in place to monitor and measure their road safety performance continually. This includes setting measurable objectives, analyzing data, and taking corrective action when necessary. To maintain certification, companies must demonstrate that they are actively working to improve their road safety management system.

Training and Awareness

ISO 39001:2012 requires companies to ensure that their employees are competent and aware of their roles and responsibilities. To maintain certification, companies must provide regular training and awareness programs to their employees. This includes training on road safety management system requirements, risk assessment, and incident investigation.

Document Control

ISO 39001:2012 requires companies to have a document control system in place to ensure that all documents related to their road safety management system are up to date and readily available. To maintain certification, companies must regularly review and update their documents, including policies, procedures, and work instructions.

Management Review

ISO 39001:2012 requires companies to conduct a management review of their road safety management system at least once a year. The purpose of this review is to assess the effectiveness of the system and identify areas for improvement. To maintain certification, companies must ensure that the management review process is robust and that actions are taken to address any issues identified.

Maintaining ISO 39001:2012 certification for company registration requires ongoing effort and dedication. Companies must conduct regular internal audits, strive for continuous improvement, provide regular training and awareness programs, maintain document control, and conduct regular management reviews. By following these best practices, companies can demonstrate their commitment to road safety management and maintain their certification.


If you’re a company looking to improve your road traffic safety management system, you may be considering obtaining ISO 39001:2012 certification. However, before you invest time and resources into obtaining this certification, you may be wondering whether it’s actually worth it for your company registration.

The answer to this question depends on various factors such as your industry, the size of your company, your target market, and your specific business goals. However, in general, obtaining ISO 39001:2012 certification can bring several benefits to your company registration.

Firstly, ISO 39001:2012 certification demonstrates to your customers and stakeholders that you take road traffic safety seriously and are committed to managing it effectively. This can improve your company’s reputation and give you a competitive advantage in the market.

Secondly, ISO 39001:2012 certification can help you reduce the number of accidents and incidents involving road traffic, which can lead to cost savings and productivity gains for your company.

Moreover, obtaining ISO 39001:2012 certification can help you comply with legal and regulatory requirements related to road traffic safety, reducing your risk of penalties and legal action.

However, obtaining ISO 39001:2012 certification requires a significant investment of time and resources, including implementing and maintaining a road traffic safety management system, conducting internal audits, and undergoing external audits. Therefore, it’s crucial to evaluate the cost-benefit analysis of obtaining this certification based on your company’s specific circumstances.

In conclusion, while there is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether ISO 39001:2012 certification is worth it for company registration, the potential benefits of obtaining this certification can outweigh the costs for many companies. By demonstrating your commitment to road traffic safety, complying with legal requirements, and improving your reputation and competitiveness, ISO 39001:2012 certification can bring long-term benefits to your company.

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